

The nanodacTM in recorder only mode comprises a compact, sophisticated and economical paperless chart recorder / DAQ (digital acquisition) recorder. In this mode it must be used in combination with a conventional temperature controller. Up to 14 virtual channels for example performing averaging on the data.

Data is continuously logged into either a CSV (comma separated value) or UHH (Eurotherm Hydra History - a Eurotherm  proprietary secure data format) and can be archived onto an 8MB flash drive or using EtherNET to an IP address on a networked server.

Standard features

  • Clear full colour VGA display screen
  • Navigation via 4 push button controls
  • Clear text and numeric display in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish
  • Data can be displayed as bar graphs or line traces
  • 50MB internal memory and up to 8GB to USB memory stick
  • Data archiving to FTP server
  • Multiple language display
  • User configurable screens
  • 4 recording channels and up to 14 'virtual channels' for maths functions, min-max recording, channel averages, counters etc.
  • Real time clock

Options (specify these at time of order)

  • Option for a combined paperless chart recorder and set-point controller
  • Option for a combined paperless chart recorder and programmable recorder
  • Compatible USB memory stick
  • Cascade control using the sample temperature
  • Mobile data display via web browser through addition of a wireless router or connection to web server

nanodac Technical Specifications

nanodac Record Only

Control technology This version of the nanodac has no temperature control functionality and must be used in combination with a temperature controller
Display 320px x 240px (3,5") VGA colour screen
Control 4 navigation buttons
Basic functions A paperless chart recorder or DAC (digital data acquistion) device
Channels 4 channels (plus 14 virtual channels for maths, totalisers, counters etc)
Capacity 50MB internal flash memory or 8GB USB memory stick
Additional functions Recording format UHH (Eurotherm's proprietary secure format) or CSV
Communications USB and FTP over Ethernet
Alarms 2 per channel from: absolute high-low, deviation high-low, deviation band, rate of change
Dimensions H x W (mm) 96 x 96 (1/4 DIN)
Configuration Panel mounted

nanodac Record / Control

Control technology PID (proportional integral derivative) set-point control
Display 320px x 240px (3,5") VGA colour screen
Control 4 navigation buttons
Basic functions A paperless chart recorder or DAC (digital data acquistion) device
Channels 4 channels (plus 14 virtual channels for maths, totalisers, counters etc)
Capacity 50MB internal flash memory or 8GB USB memory stick
Additional functions Recording format UHH (Eurotherm's proprietary secure format) or CSV
Communications USB and FTP over Ethernet
Alarms 2 per channel from: absolute high-low, deviation high-low, deviation band, rate of change
Dimensions H x W (mm) 96 x 96 (1/4 DIN)
Configuration Panel mounted

nanodac Record / Programmer

Control technology Up to 100 programs stored locally with each program having up to 25 segments, remote access to up to 200 programs via FTP or USB memory stick
Display 320px x 240px (3,5") VGA colour screen
Control 4 navigation buttons
Basic functions A paperless chart recorder or DAC (digital data acquistion) device
Channels 4 channels (plus 14 virtual channels for maths, totalisers, counters etc)
Capacity 50MB internal flash memory or 8GB USB memory stick
Additional functions Recording format UHH (Eurotherm's proprietary secure format) or CSV
Communications USB and FTP over Ethernet
Alarms 2 per channel from: absolute high-low, deviation high-low, deviation band, rate of change
Dimensions H x W (mm) 96 x 96 (1/4 DIN)
Configuration Panel mounted

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